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الاوراق العلمية المنشورة 3

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Honey for Wound Healing, Ulcers, and Burns; Data Supporting Its Use in Clinical Practice


Consumption rate of some proteinic diets affecting hypopharyngeal glands development in honeybee workers


Histological studies on ovary differentiation in Yemini queen honeybees, Apis mellifera jemenitica Hymenoptera: Apidae during post-embryonic development

Concise total Synthesis Of(-)-cis- Aerangis Lactone and (-)-cis0 Congac Lactone 44
The stereoselective total synthesis of (+)-18-(6S,9R,10R)-bovidic acid 45
 Syntheses of Aggregation Pheromones of the Palm Weevils Rhyncophorus vulneratus and R. phoenicis and of (+)-trans-Whiskey Lactone  46

Sodium borohydride / methoxydiethylborane mediated syn-l,3-stereoselective total Synthesis of Herbarumin-lll 


Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (+)-Vittatalactone 


Total synthesis of cryptophycin-24 (arenastatin A) via Prins cyclization


Comparative study on histological structure of larval midgut in queen and workers of native honey bee race( Apis mellifera jementica,Hymenoptera :Apidae

Evaluation Of Various Honeybee Foraging Activities For Identification Of Potential Bee planet In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 51
Histology of ileum in Larval and Pupal Stages of the Queen and Worker Of Apis mellifera Jemenatica (Hymenoptera :Apidae 52
Determination of Acaricide Residues in SaudiArabian Honey and Beeswax using Solid Phase Extraction and Gas Chematography 53
Morphometrical and Histological Studies Om Some Bee Glands In Genus Apis In Saudi Arabia (KSA). 54
Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies on Antennal Sensilla Organs Of Adult Honey Bee Workers In Genus Apis (Hymenoptera: Apisae). 55
Comparative Study Between Subspecies of Apis mellifera for Egg Hatching and Sealed Brood Percentage, Brood Nest Temperature and Relative Humidity  56
Settlement and Performance Evaluation of Apis mellifera yemenitica in Relation to Beeswax Foundation Use in Modern Hives   57
Reproductive Biology of Varroa jacobsoni Oud. in Worker and Drone Brood of the Honey Bee Apis mellifera L. under Michigan Conditions  58
Diseases and Pests Associated Aith honeybee Colonies In Saidi Arabia 59
Modeling Of honeybee and Varroa Mite Population Dynamics 60



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Last updated on : January 12, 2023 12:47am